Hi Alexander,

On 2/27/18 5:05 AM, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
Hello David,

Just a few days left until the last Commitfest for the PG11 release begins!

I'm planning to fill the CFM role, unless there are objections.

Thank you for volunteering!

I would like to be CFM assistant, if you need one :)

Right now Andres and I are doing triage on the patches to determine what is likely to be committed in this CF.

I would be very interested in your input. I generally start with patches that have had no email for the longest time and work my way down. You can sort on the "Latest Mail" column in the CF app to help.

I'll be working on this again in the morning, but I'm guessing you are 6-7 hours earlier than me so if you have time in the morning have a look. You can post your results to the list or send them to me.

However, at 09:00 ET I will be working again and we might overlap if you go into that time.


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