Jaime Casanova wrote:

> Hi Álvaro,
> attached a tiny patch (on top of yours) that silence two "variables
> uninitilized" warnings.

Thanks!  Applied.

> also noted that if you:
> """
> create table t1(i int) partition by hash (i);
> create table t1_0 partition of t1 for values with (modulus 2, remainder 0);
> create table t1_1 partition of t1 for values with (modulus 2, remainder 1);
> create unique index on t1(i);
> alter table t1 add primary key using index t1_i_idx ;
> """
> the ALTER TABLE ADD PK does not recurse to partitions, which maybe is
> perfectly fine because i'm using USING INDEX but it feels like an
> oversight to me

Ouch.  Yeah, this is a bug.  I'll try to come up with something.

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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