On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 3:45 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 2:35 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the case of Gather, for example, we won't
>> WaitForParallelWorkersToFinish() until we've read all the tuples.  If
>> there's a tuple queue that does not yet have a sender, then we'll just
>> wait for it to get one, even if the sender fell victim to a fork
>> failure and is never going to show up.
> Hmm, I think that case will be addressed because tuple queues can
> detect if the leader is not attached.  It does in code path
> shm_mq_receive->shm_mq_counterparty_gone.  In
> shm_mq_counterparty_gone, it can detect if the worker is gone by using
> GetBackgroundWorkerPid.  Moreover, I have manually tested this
> particular case before saying your patch is fine.  Do you have some
> other case in mind which I am missing?

Hmm.  Yeah.  I can't seem to reach a stuck case and was probably just
confused and managed to confuse Robert too.  If you make
fork_process() fail randomly (see attached), I see that there are a
couple of easily reachable failure modes (example session at bottom of

1.  HandleParallelMessages() is reached and raises a "lost connection
to parallel worker" error because shm_mq_receive() returns
SHM_MQ_DETACHED, I think because shm_mq_counterparty_gone() checked
GetBackgroundWorkerPid() just as you said.  I guess that's happening
because some other process is (coincidentally) sending
PROCSIG_PARALLEL_MESSAGE at shutdown, causing us to notice that a
process is unexpectedly stopped.

2.  WaitForParallelWorkersToFinish() is reached and raises a "parallel
worker failed to initialize" error.  TupleQueueReaderNext() set done
to true, because shm_mq_receive() returned SHM_MQ_DETACHED.  Once
again, that is because shm_mq_counterparty_gone() returned true.  This
is the bit Robert and I missed in our off-list discussion.

As long as we always get our latch set by the postmaster after a fork
failure (ie kill SIGUSR1) and after GetBackgroundWorkerPid() is
guaranteed to return BGWH_STOPPED after that, and as long as we only
ever use latch/CFI loops to wait, and as long as we try to read from a
shm_mq, then I don't see a failure mode that hangs.

This doesn't help a parallel.c client that doesn't try to read from a
shm_mq though, like parallel CREATE INDEX (using the proposed design
without dynamic Barrier).  We can't rely on a coincidental
PROCSIG_PARALLEL_MESSAGE like in (1), and it's not going to try to
read from a queue like in (2).  So wouldn't it need a way to perform
its own similar check for unexpectedly BGWH_STOPPED processes whenever
its latch is set?

If there were some way for the postmaster to cause reason
PROCSIG_PARALLEL_MESSAGE to be set in the leader process instead of
just notification via kill(SIGUSR1) when it fails to fork a parallel
worker, we'd get (1) for free in any latch/CFI loop code.  But I
understand that we can't do that by project edict.


postgres=# create table foox as select generate_series(1, 10000) as a;
SELECT 10000
postgres=# alter table foox set (parallel_workers = 4);
postgres=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 4;
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  lost connection to parallel worker
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  parallel worker failed to initialize
HINT:  More details may be available in the server log.
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
(1 row)

postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  lost connection to parallel worker
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  lost connection to parallel worker
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  lost connection to parallel worker
postgres=# select count(*) from foox;
ERROR:  lost connection to parallel worker

Thomas Munro

Attachment: chaos-monkey-fork-process.patch
Description: Binary data

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