On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 12:23 PM, Amit Khandekar <amitdkhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (1) if they need it by subplan index, first use
>> subplan_partition_offsets to convert it to a per-leaf index
> Before that, we need to check if there *is* an offset array. If there
> are no partitions, there is only going to be a per-subplan array,
> there won't be an offsets array. But I guess, you are saying : "do the
> on-demand allocation only for leaf partitions; if there are no
> partitions, the per-subplan maps will always be allocated for each of
> the subplans from the beginning" . So if there is no offset array,
> just return mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps[subplan_index]
> without any further checks.

Oops.  I forgot that there might not be partitions.  I was assuming
that mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps wouldn't exist at all, and we'd
always use subplan_partition_offsets.  Both that won't work in the
inheritance case.

> But after that, I am not sure then why is mt_per_sub_plan_maps[] array
> needed ? We are always going to convert the subplan index into leaf
> index, so per-subplan map array will not come into picture. Or are you
> saying, it will be allocated and used only when there are no
> partitions ?  From one of your earlier replies, you did mention about
> trying to share the maps between the two arrays, that means you were
> considering both arrays being used at the same time.

We'd use them both at the same time if we didn't have, or didn't use,
subplan_partition_offsets, but if we have subplan_partition_offsets
and can use it then we don't need mt_per_sub_plan_maps.

I guess I'm inclined to keep mt_per_sub_plan_maps for the case where
there are no partitions, but not use it when partitions are present.
What do you think about that?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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