On Tuesday, 9 January 2018, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> So the approach I'm imagining now is a datatype-specific support function
> along the lines of
>         in_range(a, b, delta) returns bool
> which is supposed to return true if a <= b + delta, or something along
> that line --- exact details of the definition TBD --- with the proviso
> that if b + delta would overflow then the result is automatically true.
> We could probably also delegate the requirement of throwing an error
> for negative delta to this function, eliminating the need for the
> datatype-independent core code to know how to tell that, which is the
> other datatype-dependent behavior needed per spec.
> Likely there are two of these, one each for the PRECEDING and FOLLOWING
> cases.
Would you prefer two functions, or a single function with a parameter for

  in_range(a, b, delta, following) returns bool

Where following is a bool which is true if FOLLOWING was specified and
false if PRECEDING was specified?

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