On 22.12.2017 16:56, Craig Ringer wrote:
On 22 December 2017 at 20:50, Maksim Milyutin <milyuti...@gmail.com
<mailto:milyuti...@gmail.com>> wrote:
On 19.12.2017 16:54, Pavel Stehule wrote:
sorry for small offtopic. Can be used this mechanism for log of
executed plan or full query?
That's a really good idea. I'd love to be able to pg_explain_backend(...)
I left the mechanism as a generic diagnostic signal exactly so that we
could add other things we wanted to be able to ask backends. I think a
follow-on patch that adds support for dumping explain-format plans
would be great, if it's practical to do that while a query's already
Noticing the interest in the calling some routines on the remote backend
through signals, in parallel thread[1] I have proposed the possibility
to define user defined signal handlers in extensions. There is a patch
taken from pg_query_state module.
Maksim Milyutin