2) In makeVariableValue():
if (pg_strcasecmp(var->svalue, "null") == 0)
else if (pg_strncasecmp(var->svalue, "true", slen)
mixing of pg_strcasecmp and pg_strNcasecmp. And, IMHO, result of
pg_strncasecmp("tru", "true", 1) will be 0.
Yep, but it cannot be called like that because slen == strlen(var->svalue).
sorry, mistyped
pg_strncasecmp("tru", "true", 3) will be 0.
It may be good for 't' of 'f' but it seems too free grammar to accept 'tr' or
'fa' or even 'o' which actually not known to be on or off.
Yes, it really works like that. I tried to make something clearer than
"src/bin/psql/variable.c". Maybe I did not succeed.
Ok, I see. Current coding accepts truexxx, falsexxx, yesxx, noxxx but doesn't
accept offxxx and onxxx. Not so consistent as it could be. Also it doesn't
accept 1 and 0 as psql does, but it's obviously why.
I used "PGBT_NO_VALUE" which seemed clearer otherwise a variable may be set and
its value would not "not set" which would look strange.
Sorry, but I found more notices:
1) '~' and unary '-' should be commented, it's not so easy to guess about how
they actually implemented (-1 XOR value, remember that -1 is 0xfffff....)
- | expr '%' expr { $$ = make_op(yyscanner, "%", $1, $3); }
+ | expr '%' expr { $$ = make_op(yyscanner, "mod", $1, $3); }
why is MOD operation renamed? Do I miss something in thread?
Looking to psql and pgbench scripting implementation, isn't it better to
integrate lua in psql & pgbench?
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teo...@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/