On 6 December 2017 at 04:29, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:57 PM, David Rowley
>> I proposed that this worked a different way in [1]. I think the way I
>> mention is cleaner as it means there's no extra reason for a
>> partitioned index to be indisvalid=false than there is for any other
>> normal index.
> How does that proposal keep pg_dump from latching onto the wrong
> index, if there's more than one index on the same columns?
I'm not hugely concerned about that. It's not a new problem and it's
not a problem that I recall seeing anyone complain about, at least not
to the extent that we've ever bothered to fix it.

The existing problem is with FOREIGN KEY constraints just choosing the
first matching index in transformFkeyCheckAttrs()

We can see the issue today with:

create table t1 (id int not null);
create unique index t1_idx_b on t1 (id);
create table t2 (id int references t1 (id));
create unique index t1_idx_a on t1 (id);


# drop index t1_idx_a;
ERROR:  cannot drop index t1_idx_a because other objects depend on it
DETAIL:  constraint t2_id_fkey on table t2 depends on index t1_idx_a
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.

>> My primary reason for not liking this way is around leaving indexes
>> around as indisvalid=false, however, I suppose that an index could be
>> replaced atomically with a DETACH and ATTACH within a single
>> transaction. I had previously not really liked the idea of
>> invalidating an index by DETACHing a leaf table's index from it. Of
>> course, this patch does nothing special with partitioned indexes, but
>> I believe one day we will want to do something with these and that the
>> DETACH/ATTACH is not the best design for replacing part of the index.
> What do you propose?

For this patch, I propose we do nothing about that, but for the
future, I already mentioned an idea to do this above.

> I'd have thought some sort of: ALTER INDEX name_of_partitioned_index
> REPLACE INDEX FOR partitioned_tablename WITH
> name_of_new_matching_bloat_free_index;

This way there is no period where we have to mark the index as
indisvalid=false. So, for when we invent something that uses this
feature, there's no window of time that concurrently running queries
are in danger of generating a poor plan. The index swap operation is

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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