Martin Langhoff wrote:
> Trying to understand how I can get Pg 8.2 to match 'martín' when I
> search for 'martin', and going through the documentation, specially
> Here is a transcript of my commandline - I suspect I am quite close, but
> something is missing. Hints _really_ appreciated!

>       =# create table test (value text);
>       =#  insert into test values ('martín');
>       INSERT 0 1
>       # this is apparently the right way to
>       # select base character based on the "equivalence class"
>       # as defined in the LC_CTYPE
>       =# select * from test where value ~ 'mart[=i=]n';

I think it would be much easier if you did something like

select * from test where lower(to_ascii(value)) = lower(to_ascii('martín'));

When to_ascii doesn't work (for example because it doesn't work in UTF8)
you may want to use convert() to recode the text to latin1 or latin9.

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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