Hi Rafal,

   Just a note that this is not standard SQL... 'distinct on' is an
extension to SQL provided by postgres.

Following query utilizes the standard SQL to get the same results:

select    t1.id as id, t2.id as "id+1",
       t1.thread as thread, t2.thread as "thread+1",
       t1.info as info, t2.info as "info+1"
from test as t1, test as t2
where t2.id = ( select min(id) from test as t3 where t3.id > t1.id);

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On 6/26/07, Rafal Pietrak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marvelous! Thenx!


On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 10:06 +0200, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> On 6/26/07, Rafal Pietrak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Is there an SQL construct to get it?
> select
>     distinct on (t1.id)
>     t1.*, t2.*
> from
>     test t1
>     join test t2 on t2.id > t1.id
> order by t1.id asc, t2.id asc
> should do the trick.
> depesz
> --
> http://www.depesz.com/ - nowy, lepszy depesz

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