On Thursday 21 June 2007 04:39, Christan Josefsson wrote:
> Ok.
> Big thanks for the information.
> You mentioned Bizgres, do you have any more information in that direction,
> or do you know who to contact regarding information on Bizgres bitmap
> indexes. If there is a bitmap index patch in Bizgres which can be applied
> to the latest stable source of PostgreSQL then I have a solution until 8.4
> (which I according to your answers is the assumed release for introducing
> on-disk bitmap indexes).

If you really want to see on-disk bitmaps in, you might want to study the 
patches and the missing vacuum related bits and then think about submitting 
an updated version.  My take on the future of that patch is the original 
developers aren't terribly motivated to finish it, in much part because some 
of the testing people have done vs. 8.3 shows it solves an even smaller 
number of issues than originally hoped.  my .02 anyway. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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