Henk - CityWEB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
>> FWIW, the only occurrences of that specific message text are in
>> PageIndexTupleDelete and PageIndexMultiDelete, so you can be pretty sure
>> that this is just a corrupted-index problem.  Once you've identified
>> which table has the problem, a REINDEX should fix it.

> I've identified the offending index, but REINDEX also causes the PANIC.
> I also tried DROPping the index (and REINDEX DATABASE foo), but that too
> causes a panic.

In that case you've not correctly identified the broken index.  It
sounds to me like the problem could possibly be in a system catalog
index.  REINDEX SYSTEM with use of system indexes disabled might help
(see the REINDEX man page).

                        regards, tom lane

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