Tom Lane writes:

Looked at the record in question and the length of the long column in that row is 88885753 (84MB).

If that actually is the length of the line, the only answer is to raise
the memory ulimit setting the postmaster runs under.

The memory limit is 1.6GB.
kern.maxdsiz="1600MB" #1.6GB
kern.dfldsiz="1600MB" #1.6GB
kern.maxssiz="128M" # 128MB

Also I have several postgress processes in the 400M+ size as reported by top
Report from limit:
cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     2097152 kbytes
stacksize    131072 kbytes
coredumpsize unlimited
memoryuse    unlimited <---
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  11095
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc      5547
sbsize       unlimited

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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