On 6/14/2007, "Scott Marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I found a problem with my application which only occurs under high loads
>> (isn't that always the case?).
>> snippets of perl...
>> insert into tokens (token)
>> select values.token
>> from (values TOKEN_LIST_STRING) as values(token)
>> left outer join tokens t using (token)
>> where t.token_idx is null
>> $sql =~ s/TOKEN_LIST_STRING/$string/
>> where $string is of the form (('one'),('two'))
>> This works 99% of the time.
>> But everyone once in a long while it seems that I hit simultaneaous
>> execute() statements that deadlock on the insertion.
>> Right now I know of no other way to handle this than to eval{ } the
>> execution and if it fails, sleep random milliseconds and retry... "wash
>> rinse repeat" for some number of times.
>> Is there any better way of doing this or some other means to manage
>Is this a deadlock that postgresql detects and causes one thread to roll
>back and you can recover from, or are you talking about a deadlock that
>isn't detected by postgresql and locks a thread?
>What error messages are you seeing?
>Generally speaking, if your operations have a potential for a deadlock,
>the best you can do is to do what you're doing now, detect failure and
>retry x times, then give up if it won't go through.
>Or, redesign the way you're doing things.

It's "deadlock detected" and rolling back.
I could prevent this if I only had one INSERT process running for all
that I'm doing, but that kind of negates the idea of having multiple

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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