On 06/14/07 02:24, PFC wrote:

The DELETE should block, no?
     Why ?
     Foreign keys put an ON DELETE trigger on the referenced table

Foreign keys that silently, automatic DELETE records?
Did I read that correctly?

    Isn't that the point of ON DELETE CASCADE ?

Where'd that come from?  Did I miss something in the thread?

besides checking the referencing column on insert/update... If you just implement a constraint, you only get half the functionality.

But when I define a FK *constraint*, that's all I *want*!

When you add a REFERENCE foo( bar ) foreign key and don't specify ON DELETE clause, I believe you get ON DELETE NO ACTION, which means the referenced row can't be deleted if there are referencing rows... so when you have a FK constraint, it actually constrains two tables, and pg uses share locking to ensure race conditions can't cause an inconsistent database.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

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