On 06.06.2007 09:00, Vincenzo Romano wrote:
(Kubuntu) that provides a nice pg_wrapper
The point is thay I have no clue on ow to choose which instance attach to.
Isn't it funny that stupid wrapper scripts create confusion instead of
making things easier for users.
Running 2 PG instances is a trivial thing to do. It requires a quick
look at the PostgreSQL documentation to find out that:
- The port is defined in postgresql.conf
- pg_ctl -D defines what cluster to work on
- The switch for the port in psql is -p
But instead people spend their time on going out and ask how to use some
poor wrappers, their distribution provides. Probably this has costed
them more time than a look in the PG documentation.
Those wrappers often have poor error handling and as they try to hide
everything from the user, the user will be unable to fix something once
the wrapper fails.
Anyway, I guess wrappers are a must have like 3D desktops these days.
Hannes Dorbath
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