<2007-06-01 23:00:00.001 CEST:%> LOG: GIN incomplete splits=8
Just to be sure: patch fixes *creating* of WAL log, not replaying. So, primary db should be patched too.
During weekend I found possible deadlock in locking protocol in GIN between concurrent UPDATE and VACUUM queries with the same GIN index involved. Strange, but I didn't see it in 8.2 and even now I can't reproduce it. It's easy to reproduce оnly on HEAD with recently added ReadBufferWithStrategy() call instead of ReadBuffer(). ReadBufferWithStrategy() call was added to implement limited-size "ring" of buffers for VACUUM. Nevertheless, it's a possible scenario in 8.2.
Attached patch fixes that deadlock bug too. And, previous version of my patch has a mistake which is observable on CREATE INDEX .. USING GIN query.
-- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/
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