On 06/03/07 09:08, Badawy, Mohamed wrote:
Thanks for all of the replies,,,
What I mean by clustering is to put the database on many machines.
Single database on many machines?
Do you mean federation/horizontal scaling, or DR replication or
something different. PostgreSQL has master-slave replication using
If you mean simultaneous access to the same disks from multiple
machines without corrupting the data, you'll have to go to a
proprietary system. 10K (15K if you've got the scratch) RPM RAID10,
8GB RAM and a couple of dual-core Opterons is a *really* fast
database box. You might not need more than that.
But if you *do* need the continuous uptime that shared-disk
clustering and rolling in-place upgrades gives you, then Rdb/VMS
can't be beat. It'll *cost*, though.
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!
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