Ron St-Pierre wrote:
> I stopped using autovacuum months ago because of similar problems 
> (version 8.1.4). Because we do some major inserts and updates about four 
> times a day, there were a few tables that I didn't want autovacuumed. 
> Even after I turned autovacuum off for these tables it still tried to 
> vacuum them while the updates were running. Instead, I just created cron 
> jobs to vacuum the two tables with the most updates daily, and the one 
> with the most inserts weekly. Performance has been pretty good.

FYI, in 8.2 and up the Xid wraparound problem is considered on a table
by table basis, which means that only the tables that have not been
vacuumed recently need to be vacuumed.  The need for database wide
vacuuming is gone.

> Time to start VACUUM FULL ANALYZE over the weekend.

For Xid wraparound you don't need FULL anyway, in any release.

Alvaro Herrera       
"Find a bug in a program, and fix it, and the program will work today.
Show the program how to find and fix a bug, and the program
will work forever" (Oliver Silfridge)

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