Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
I asked them some time ago. They answered me this :

As for SQL Manager for PostgreSQL - we regret to inform you that the
development and support of Linux editions of EMS software products has
become impossible now that Borland no longer supports Kylix libraries
for Delphi, on which all Linux versions of EMS software were based.
Hence, EMS has made a decision to discontinue Linux versions of its
products. Linux products will not be available for sale or download anymore.

Just a FYI, their win32 versions will probably work fine in Linux via WINE.

Lightning Admin does anyway(work via WINE) and they program their products with Delphi as well, so I think it would work fine.

Just one word of advice about WINE, make sure you have the core MS true type fonts installed or the win32 apps will look funny, especially when using editors.


Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best option for Postgresql Administration

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