Thanks for your reply!
I was run gdb and errfinish but didn't get much help because I write to
Yes the first datas ( datums[0-2] ) are char* / VARCHAR types and if I
call SPI_modifytuple( ( trigdata->tg_relation, tmptuple, 3, &attnum[0],
&datums[0], &isNull[0] ) than everything is OK.
Just have problem with this conversion from TEXT - double - Datum (
NUMERIC ) where in TEXT is a number value forexample now the value is 1.00
=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dud=E1s_J=F3zsef?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I know that something doing wrong, but I can't find out what is it.
Getting a stack trace from the point of the errfinish call would
probably help narrow it down. One thing that's not clear is whether
SPI_modifytuple itself is failing (have you checked all the *other*
arguments you're passing it?) or whether it happens later.
regards, tom lane
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