Could you provide a test suite?

John DeSoi wrote:

I'm trying to dump and restore a copy of a database in the same cluster. pg_restore would abort when creating a tsearch2 gist index. So I dumped to text removed the CREATE INDEX commands and tried to do that at the end after the rest of the database was loaded. I still have the same problem:

CREATE INDEX song_tsx_title_idx ON song USING gist (tsx_title public.gist_tsvector_ops);
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

This is pg 8.0.8 in a shared hosting environment, so I don't have a lot of options for tweaking. Is there a known work-around for this?


John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL

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