Richard Huxton wrote:
Joseph Shraibman wrote:
I ran a query that was "SELECT field, count(*) INTO TEMP temptable"
and it grew to be 10gig (as reported by top)
What was the real query?
First I selected 90634 rows (3 ints) into the first temp table, then I
did "select intfield1, count(intfield2) FROM realtable rt WHERE
= and other conditions on rt here GROUP BY intfield1".
The size of the second temp table should have been no more than 60000
If your memory settings in postgresql.conf are reasonable (and they look
fine), this shouldn't happen. Let's see if an EXPLAIN sheds any light.
=> explain SELECT ml.uid, count(ml.jid) AS cnt INTO TEMP tempml FROM ml
WHERE ml.jid = AND ml.status IN(2,5,20) GROUP BY
NOTICE: adding missing FROM-clause entry for table "tempjr1180108653561"
LINE 2: ...INTO TEMP tempml FROM ml WHERE ml.jid = tempjr1180...
HashAggregate (cost=11960837.72..11967601.06 rows=541067 width=8)
-> Hash Join (cost=9675074.94..11849780.55 rows=22211434 width=8)
Hash Cond: ( = ml.jid)
-> Seq Scan on tempjr1180108653561 (cost=0.00..31.40
rows=2140 width=4)
-> Hash (cost=6511767.18..6511767.18 rows=181979021 width=8)
-> Seq Scan on ml (cost=0.00..6511767.18
rows=181979021 width=8)
Filter: (status = ANY ('{2,5,20}'::integer[]))
(7 rows)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?