Thomas Munz wrote:
Hello List!

I tried today to optmize in our companies internal Application the querys. I come to a point where I tried, if querys with LIMIT are slower then querys without limit

I tried following query in 8.2.4. Keep in mind that the table hs_company only contains 10 rows.

Probably too small to provide useful measurements.

ghcp=# explain analyze select * from hs_company; explain analyze select * from hs_company limit 10;

Total runtime: 0.102 ms
Total runtime: 0.138 ms

1. I'm not sure the timings are accurate for sub-millisecond values
2. You've got to parse the LIMIT clause, and then execute it (even if it does nothing useful)

I runned this query about 100 times and always resulted, that this query without limit is about 40 ms faster

That's 0.4ms

Now I putted the same query in the file 'sql.sql' and runned it 100 times with:
psql test testuser -f sql.sql

Total runtime: 0.200 ms
Total runtime: 0.153 ms

The querys are equal but has different speeds. Can me someone explain why that is?

Same as above - you've got to parse & execute the limit clause. There's no way for the planner to know that the table has exactly 10 rows in it at the time it executes.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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