On 5/24/07, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [2] Nobody else has this, I believe, except possibly Ingres and
> NonStop SQL. This means you can do a "begin transaction", then issue
> "create table", "alter table", etc. ad nauseum, and in the mean time
> concurrent transactions will just work. Beautiful for atomically
> upgrading a production server. Oracle, of course, commits after each
> DDL statements.

Rdb/VMS and CODASYL DBMS (both Oracle, formerly DEC, products) also
have transactional DDL.

Not exactly mainstream databases, and Codasyl isn't even a relational
database as far as I remember.

Interbase/Firebird probably also has transactional DDL.

Apparently. I'm surprised, given how InterBase and Firebird otherwise
feel so awfully ancient.

All right, so not unique, but very rare.


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