On 22.05.2007 22:49, Mage wrote:
as far as I know treach2 doesn't support partial word matching. Last
time I checked it didn't. (I also googled before I asking this).
Am I wrong? If not, we would implement some FTI, something like the old
and decrepated FTI-crontib. Where should we start reading tutorials? I
googled for this question too, however most results were about tsearch2
or old FTI contrib. I would read something advanced about this topic.
Something that must be read.
Partial word matching with TSearch can be done, just maintain all lexems
in a separate table, scan that with LIKE '%foo%' in a sub query that
generates the actual TSearch query. Additionally you might combine that
with pg_trgm. Another way is to use the lexems table for fancy auto
completion in AJAX web forms.
Hannes Dorbath
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