On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:09 +0200, Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled the latest and greatest PG server on SUSE systems until now.
> Now I want to stay with the "official" binaries of the Debian project 
> because I plan to evaluate if it is really that good for a server as 
> everybody is telling me.
> It should get a server with only the minimum of programs that don't 
> belong to the dedicated task, like in this case "run a PG server".
> Especially I don't want any development stuff like gcc on this server 
> for security reasons. So I can't build it myself - at least not with 
> this box.
> BTW ... the Debian installer had an anonymous option "SQL server" and 
> installed PostgreSQL 8.1.8 as default without further question. This is 
> cool because I - being a known pessimistic - expected to find MySQL.   ;-)
> Do you know where I find PG 8.2.4 and pgAdmin 1.6.3 binaries for Debian 
> 4.0.x ?

You can get postgresql-8.2.4 from unstable, which is probably the best
place to get it. 

pgAdmin is client software -- why would you want it on a dedicated
postgresql server? 

        Jeff Davis

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