On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 10:52, Martin Gainty wrote:
> Good Morning Scott-
> The following URL contains the directive to Move Partition in a Partitioned 
> Tables
> http://www.csee.umbc.edu/help/oracle8/server.815/a67772/partiti.htm
> you will then need to rebuild the indices to point to the new partition

Yeah, I've seen that, and used it even.

> Is there some manner of automatically rebuilding the indices when moving 
> partition tables under Postgres?

You don't need to move partition tables / rebuild indexes in postgresql
generally, that was my main point.  If you need to reclaim space because
you forgot to regularly vacuum, then you can do a vacuumdb -fz and a
reindexdb...  And no mucked up indexes like you get when you move a
table in oracle and forget to rebuild its indexes.  Why automatic index
rebuilding wasn't a part of oracle 9 I'll never know.

It just seems that all the things someone decided to write a script /
program for in postgresql that got included into the pgsql/bin directory
or at least contrib or pgfoundy are spread across various web pages for
oracle.  Which seems almost backwards.  I'd kind of expect the open
source project to have things all over the web, mildly disorganized, and
the commercial project to have it all come with the package.

Keep in mind, I'm not slagging Oracle, really.  It's an impressive
database.  It just feels krufty, like there are tons of things you just
"have to know" to make it work.  More than I'd expected when I first
started using it.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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