Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Ron Mayer wrote:
>> How about if PostgreSQL periodically check for updates on the
>> internet and log WARNINGs as soon as it sees it's not running
>> the newest minor version for a branch. ...
> uhmmm gah, errm no... ehhhh why? :)

Mostly because it seems like a near FAQ here that someone
posts questions about people running very old postgresqls
where the answers are "that was fixed in the latest minor version".

Regarding people saying that their OS package manager
can do this for them - I note that the people who have
this problem the worst seem to be the people running
older postgresqls, and your OS vendor may not be keeping
the major version number of their postgresql the same
as yours.   For example, apt-cache search here isn't showing
me 8.0 (though it does show 7.4, 8.1, and 8.2).

> I could see a contrib module that was an agent that did that but not as
> part of actual core.

I was thinking it would protect the more ignorant users
who didn't even know about contrib.   I imagine anyone
who did know enough to install a contrib module would
also know how to write such a script without it.

No big deal, though - if others don't think there's a need, then
I'm not going to push for it.

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