Walter Vaughan wrote:
> Raymond Hurst wrote:
>> I have a requirement of incorporating a database in a hard disk drive.
> Well, back in the day there was a man called Dick Pick. The US Goverment
> had the same request. They wanted a database incorporated into a hard
> disk drive, and that's what they got. An operating system and database
> in one, on the hard drive. Damn good database, still in use all over the
> world. IBM even distributes 2 versions today.

That takes me back - hours of endless fun trying to get tape drives to
work with native Advanced Pick - and it wasn't a great deal better on
the 'alongside HP-UX' version. So much easier when Unidata came along
and didn't try to be an OS as well as a DBMS.... Ahh, those were the
days :-)

Regards, Dave.

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