Doing a source compile under Debian or Debian-like condition is not an option 
for the end user.

Oh, it is not? Is that because of the outdated tool chain Debian ships with or the user being uncomfortable in typing 3 commands at a shell prompt?

Unfortunately, the latest I can find is 8.1.8

Well, I think you distributions website has "an apt-get":

Besides that Google returns a ton more:

Ron wrote:
Subject says it all. Doing a source compile under Debian or Debian-like condition is not an option for the end user. They need an apt-get (the ubuntu equivalent to rpm AFAICT) version.

Unfortunately, the latest I can find is 8.1.8
Where's 8.2.3?

Best regards,
Hannes Dorbath

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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