"Stuart Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> I have an enormous sql script with an incorrect insert line somewhere. >> I can echo the commands to stdout as they are executed, but apparently >> errors go to stderr. How can I determine where the problem is?
> from memory, if you invoke it from the shell with psql [connection > options] -f filename.sql > you'll get the line number of filename.sql that has the error. Any reasonably recent version of postgres will give you a fairly decent pointer to syntax errors. For example: $ cat bogus.sql select * from foo bar baz where 1=0; $ psql regression ... regression=# \i bogus.sql psql:bogus.sql:4: ERROR: syntax error at or near "baz" LINE 3: foo bar baz ^ regression=# If you feel you're being left in the dark, please provide some specifics about what the error is and what PG version you're using. regards, tom lane ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly