Bradley Kieser wrote:
I hope that someone has cracked this one because I have run into a
brick wall the entire week and after 3 all-nighters with bad
installations, I would appreciate hearing from others!
I am looking for a decent OpenSource CRM system that will run with
Postgres. SugarCRM seems to be the most popular but it's MySQL-centric
and its opensource parts are very restricted.
Not a recommendation, coz I haven't actually used it, but you might try
Drupal, if you haven't already. I've seen Drupal work OK, & it claims to
support Postgres.
Brent Wood
vTiger is also mySQL-centric.
I thought that I had a corker of a system with "centricCRM" but when
it came to actually installing it, I am 48 hours down and hacking
through screen after screen of installation errors. Basically, it
relies way too much on ant and Java tools. Nothing against Java but my
experience with ant used for installing PG schemas is a dismal track
record of error and frustration. centric CRM is no exception. Frankly,
it just doesn't work and after trying to hack out the ant into a PG
script I have decided to give it up as a bad job.
XRMS promises to run on PG but... it doesn't. The core system is fine,
but useless without the plugins. The Plugins are mySQL-specific again,
I spent several all-nighters previously hacking through installation
screens attempting to convert mysql to PG, making software patches...
you get the picture.
XLSuite looks very promising. Awesome interface, looks great... only
it's just not ready yet. It is a year away from being at full PG
production level.
Compiere doesn't support PG.
OpenTAPS the demo won't even work. And it's US-centric whereas we are
in the UK. A pity that it's so very much tied to the US as it could be
very good.
I have tried numerous other CRMs but all the same - either don't run
on PG, claim to but in reality don't or are simply pre-Alpha and not
ready for production use.
So if anyone has actually cracked this, please let me know! I really
need a good CRM.
It has to be OpenSource, not just out of principle, but we need to
integrate it into an existing business with established inhouse
software so we need to be able to customise the code.
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings