i would like to suggest the following modification to the foreign key syntax (and underlying implementation) to support table inheritance:

alter table [only] foo add foreign key (a_field) references [only] bar (another_field) on delete restrict;

the only changes from the current syntax are the "[only]" modifiers (pardon the pun) to the source and target tables. this modifier would behave the same was as the "[only]" modifier in the "from [only] foo_table" clause.

i really, really need foreign keys to support table inheritance. right now, i have a script i run that generates 1000's of alter table commands because i have to take into account not only the target table's inheritance but the source table's inheritance too and all the combinations of inheriting tables between them.

postgresql developers: please treat this as an enhancement request. i think this would be a very popular enhancement.


Soli Deo gloria,

Floyd Shackelford

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