If you use pgAdmin3 for example, it will format the definition in the
database for you. This will exclude stored procedures, which are stored

The formatter isn't too good however... 

There are better products on the market that will do the formatting
significantly better.
This one was nice: http://psti.equinoxbase.com/cgi-bin/handler.pl

- Joris

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Aaron Bingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: donderdag 8 maart 2007 11:36
>To: Joris Dobbelsteen
>Cc: Merlin Moncure; postgres general
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] sql formatter/beautifier
>Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
>> PostGreSQL (7.4 and onward) has such a thing build-in, but its not 
>> particulary good (simple case works, but once it gets 
>complex it makes 
>> a mess out of it).
>Cleaning out my pgsql-general mail, I ran across your post.  
>How do I invoke PostgreSQL's built-in SQL beautifier?  I 
>wasn't able to find a reference to this feature in the documentation.
>Aaron Bingham
>Senior Software Engineer
>Cenix BioScience GmbH

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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