Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 04:08:45PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>> Mark Stosberg wrote:
>>> I just tried to add something to the pg_autovacuum table for the first
>>> time today (with 8.1). I wanted to make the simplest possible entry:
>>> Disable auto-vacuuming for a table. However, the data model requires
>>> that I also enter values for:
>>> vac_base_thresh
>> You can use any negative value on these settings (-1 works fine, for
>> example).
> We should really make that the default so that you don't have to worry
> about other fields...

A default would be helpful, but I think "NULL" is a lot more intuitive
as a placeholder "don't know/ don't care", than "-1" is.

Adding a default of -1 seems like a more cumbersome way to express the
same thing to me.


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