I've converted stuff from PostgreSQL to Oracle before, and some of the 
biggest pains were "OFFSET ... LIMIT ..." in PostgreSQL vs. ROWNUM or 
ROW_NUMBER in Oracle (depending on version of Oracle, including having to 
wrap the query with ROWNUM/ROW_NUMBER in a subselect - I greatly prefer 
OFFSET and LIMIT, especially for web applications),  and sequence NEXTVAL 
syntax.  There may be some date type conversion / formatting issues, too. 
Temporary tables were somewhat different, too, as I recall. 

You might be able to hide some of the internal differences by creating 
database-specific views and functions, and using simpler queries from the 
views at a higher level of the application.  Of course, there is that 
weird Oracle thing where you have to say "SELECT .... from DUAL" instead 
of just "SELECT xxx" to get simple function return values.

Some of the Oracle stuff may differ, depending on version.

Susan Cassidy

"Ben Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
02/23/2007 01:27 AM


[GENERAL] Writing oracle/postgress generic SQL

Anyone know of any guidelines for writing SQL which works under Oracle
witch will also work under postgress.  This is to ensure that SQL
written for an Oracle database can be migrated to postgress later.

Ben Edwards - Brussels, Belgium & Bristol, UK
If you have a problem emailing me use
(email address this email is sent from may be defunct)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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