
Firstly I apologise for the large number of chunks of code and log file
attached to this post, however without them I don't think there would be
much point in the post.

I have a slony replication system set up and working (slony 1.1.5,
Postgres 8.1), and am trying to add a new node to it as I have done
previously.  The system is simple, it has 1 source node, and then 5
receiver nodes.  In order to add the new node I am doing the following:

1) I have created the DB on the new receiver, using the same table
definitions as on the host.  

2) I then run a slonik script below to tell the two nodes how to

        slonik <<_EOF_
        # define the namespace the replication system
        cluster name = $CLUSTERNAME;
        # admin conninfo's are used by slonik to connect to the nodes
one for each
        # node on each side of the cluster, the syntax is that of
PQconnectdb in
        # the C-API
        # --
        node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDBNAME host=$MASTERHOST
        node $SLAVEDBID admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME
        # Create the slave node and tell the 2 nodes how to connect to
        # each other and how they should listen for events.
        store node (id=$SLAVEDBID, comment = 'Slave node $SLAVEDBNAME');
        store path (server = 1, client = $SLAVEDBID,
        store path (server = $SLAVEDBID, client = 1,
conninfo='dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME host=$SLAVEHOST user=$REPLICATIONUSER');
        store listen (origin= 1, provider = 1, receiver = $SLAVEDBID);
        store listen (origin= $SLAVEDBID, provider = $SLAVEDBID,
receiver = 1);

3) I then start the slon daemon for the new node (id = 30), all looks ok
in the logs here (see below).

4) I then execute the following slonik script to begin the replication,
eg subscribe the new node to the source node.  Again everything  looks
fine in the logs, with confirmation of copy_set taking 0.078secs etc.

        slonik <<_EOF_
        # ----
        # This defines which namespace the replication system uses
        # ----
        cluster name = $CLUSTERNAME;
        # ----
        # Admin conninfo's are used by the slonik program to connect
        # to the node databases. So these are the PQconnectdb arguments
        # that connect from the administrators workstation (where
        # slonik is executed).
        # ----
        node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDBNAME host=$MASTERHOST
        node $SLAVEDBID admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME
        # ----
        # Node 2 subscribes set 1
        # ----
        subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = $SLAVEDBID,
forward = no);

However when I come to look at the receiver DB there is no data in any
of the three replicated tables. (The amount of data is small <100MB)

From digging around I have discovered that: 

sl_table is empty on the receiver, but not on all other nodes
sl_subscribe has a correct looking line in it connecting the source node
and the new receiver node.

Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated as I've been
banging my head against the wall for a good few hours now.  I may be
slow to reply as I'm away tomorrow (Fri) but will respond to any answers
ASAP on Monday morning.

Many thanks,

Chris Coleman

// HOST logfile

@4000000045dd8f172d3b9cdc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG main: slon
version 1.1.5 starting up
@4000000045dd8f172dd037d4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG main: local
node id = 1
@4000000045dd8f172dd81f44 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG main: launching
@4000000045dd8f172ddaf1ec 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG main: loading
current cluster configuration
@4000000045dd8f172e133c14 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=2 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.pirates_current.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f172e13e7f4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=5 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.middleware.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f172e14499c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=6 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.general.practice'
@4000000045dd8f172e14a75c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=7 no_comment='Slave node euroalert'
@4000000045dd8f172e15051c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=8 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.pirates_nextgen.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f172e203c34 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=8 pa_client=1
host=bratboxuser=postgres" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f172e21883c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=2 pa_client=1
host=bratboxuser=postgres password=postgres1" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f172e21a394 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=7 pa_client=1 pa_conninfo="dbname=euroalert host=controlbox
user=postgres" paonnretry=10
@4000000045dd8f172e21b71c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=5 pa_client=1 pa_conninfo="dbname=eurobrats.middleware.bugs
host=bratbox1 usepostgres" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f172e2c4e0c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=6 pa_client=1 pa_conninfo="dbname=eurobrats.general.practice
host=demobox usepostgres" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f172e2d1d14 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=1 li_provider=8
@4000000045dd8f172e2d7ebc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=1 li_provider=2
@4000000045dd8f172e2dd894 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=1 li_provider=7
@4000000045dd8f172e2e3654 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=1 li_provider=5
@4000000045dd8f172e2e9414 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=1 li_provider=6
@4000000045dd8f172e4010a4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG storeSet:
set_id=1 set_origin=1 set_comment='All eurotree tables'
@4000000045dd8f172e5c33c4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG main:
configuration complete - starting threads
@4000000045dd8f172e5e4704 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
localListenThread: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f172f2bbcac NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3565
@4000000045dd8f172f313ed4 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3628
@4000000045dd8f173191c414 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3549
@4000000045dd8f173192a2bc NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3625
@4000000045dd8f173192b644 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=4960
@4000000045dd8f173192c5e4 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3571
@4000000045dd8f173192d584 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3626
@4000000045dd8f173192e524 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3552
@4000000045dd8f173192f8ac NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3624
@4000000045dd8f17319342e4 NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=8182
@4000000045dd8f173193566c NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3590
@4000000045dd8f173193ac5c NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=3627
@4000000045dd8f173193bbfc NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=8475
@4000000045dd8f17319415d4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f1731954a6c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f17319638b4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f17319726fc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f173198115c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f1731999be4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1 main: running
scheduler mainloop
@4000000045dd8f1731aa4d54 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_2: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731aa68ac 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_2: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731aa7c34 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_5: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731aa8fbc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_5: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731aa9f5c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_6: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731aab2e4 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_6: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731ab4f24 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_7: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731ab6694 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_7: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731ab7634 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_8: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731ab89bc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_8: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731ab995c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1731acaacc 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1 syncThread:
thread starts
@4000000045dd8f1732d98e24 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_2: connected to
'dbname=eurobrats.pirates_current.bugs host=bratbox3 user=postgs
@4000000045dd8f17338e8644 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_5: connected to 'dbname=eurobrats.middleware.bugs
host=bratbox1 user=postgres'
@4000000045dd8f173485175c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_6: connected to 'dbname=eurobrats.general.practice
host=demobox user=postgres'
@4000000045dd8f1735035b94 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_8: connected to
'dbname=eurobrats.pirates_nextgen.bugs host=bratbox5 user=postgs'
@4000000045dd8f17351afe5c 2007-02-22 12:39:41 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_7: connected to 'dbname=euroalert host=controlbox
@4000000045dd8f711526a27c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=30 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.beijing2008.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f711526c1bc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=1 li_provider=8
@4000000045dd8f711526d15c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=1 li_provider=2
@4000000045dd8f711526e0fc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=1 li_provider=7
@4000000045dd8f711526f86c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=1 li_provider=5
@4000000045dd8f7115284474 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=1 li_provider=6
@4000000045dd8f71152857fc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f711528679c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711528773c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711528b9a4 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711528c944 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711528dccc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711528ec6c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT DEBUG1
@4000000045dd8f711c5d40dc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storePath:
r=postgres" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f711c626d14 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c633c1c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c6395f4 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c643dec 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c64ca8c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c6518ac 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f711c693374 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT DEBUG1
@4000000045dd8f711d2bcbdc 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT DEBUG1
@4000000045dd8f7121108404 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f7121113b9c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f712111d00c 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f7121121a44 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f71213d50c4 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8f71213d6834 2007-02-22 12:41:11 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
@4000000045dd8fd22526e704 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=1 li_provider=8
@4000000045dd8fd22528795c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=1 li_provider=2
@4000000045dd8fd225288ce4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=1 li_provider=7
@4000000045dd8fd225292154 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=1 li_provider=5
@4000000045dd8fd225296f74 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=1 li_provider=6
@4000000045dd8fd22529c17c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=30 li_receiver=1 li_provider=30
@4000000045dd8fd2252fd42c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=1 li_provider=8
@4000000045dd8fd225304d44 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=1 li_provider=2
@4000000045dd8fd22530ed6c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=1 li_provider=7
@4000000045dd8fd225316a6c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=1 li_provider=5
@4000000045dd8fd22531eb54 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=1 li_provider=6
@4000000045dd8fd22532cde4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=30 li_receiver=1 li_provider=30
@4000000045dd91b3178cadcc NOTICE:  Slony-I: cleanup stale sl_nodelock
entry for pid=9086
@4000000045dd91b3178cc924 CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT
@4000000045dd91b3178cdcac PL/pgSQL function "cleanupevent" line 54 at
@4000000045dd91b318a355bc 2007-02-22 12:50:49 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
0.065 seconds for cleanupEvent()
@4000000045dd91b31920a3dc 2007-02-22 12:50:49 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
0.008 seconds for delete logs

// Reciever logfile
@4000000045dd8f911eea11f4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG main: slon
version 1.1.5 starting up
@4000000045dd8f911f6be06c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG main: local
node id = 30
@4000000045dd8f911f72be3c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG main: launching
@4000000045dd8f911f75758c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG main: loading
current cluster configuration
@4000000045dd8f911fab1bec 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=1 no_comment='Master EuroTree Node'
@4000000045dd8f911fab9cd4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=2 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.pirates_current.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f911fac0e1c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=5 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.middleware.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f911fac7b7c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=6 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.general.practice'
@4000000045dd8f911face4f4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=7 no_comment='Slave node euroalert'
@4000000045dd8f911fad5254 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeNode:
no_id=8 no_comment='Slave node eurobrats.pirates_nextgen.bugs'
@4000000045dd8f911fbacf74 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storePath:
pa_server=1 pa_client=30 pa_conninfo="dbname=eurotree host=controlbox
user=postgres" pa_connretry=10
@4000000045dd8f911fc7b054 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fc80a2c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fc8584c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fc8aa54 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fc8fc5c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fc94a7c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f911fd4569c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeSet:
set_id=1 set_origin=1 set_comment='All eurotree tables'
@4000000045dd8f911fd4c3fc 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT WARN
remoteWorker_wakeup: node 1 - no worker thread
@4000000045dd8f911ff2eea4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG main:
configuration complete - starting threads
@4000000045dd8f911ff3d134 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
localListenThread: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121a52ab4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121a6400c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121a6ebec 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121a793e4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121a91a84 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121a931f4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG enableNode:
@4000000045dd8f9121aa56ec 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1 main: running
scheduler mainloop
@4000000045dd8f9121aaf32c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_1: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121acdf5c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_1: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121ae6214 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_2: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121aecb8c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_5: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121b02f04 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_6: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121b0428c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_7: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121b0a04c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_8: thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121b11194 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
thread starts
@4000000045dd8f9121b1add4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1 syncThread:
thread starts
@4000000045dd8f912342f464 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT DEBUG1
remoteListenThread_1: connected to 'dbname=eurotree host=controlbox
@4000000045dd8f9129a73f04 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9129a7f2b4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9129a848a4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9129a896c4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9129a8ecb4 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9129a95244 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e47d104 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e483e64 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e489454 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e48fdcc 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e496f14 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f912e49d88c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f913144731c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9131448e74 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9131449e14 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f913144b19c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f913144c13c 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8f9131455994 2007-02-22 12:41:43 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22785b6c4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeSubscribe:
sub_set=1 sub_provider=1 sub_forward='f'
@4000000045dd8fd22bc256d4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc26a5c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc27de4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc28d84 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc2a10c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc2eb44 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc2fecc 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT DEBUG1 copy_set 1
@4000000045dd8fd22bc30e6c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_1: connected to provider DB
@4000000045dd8fd22f0ba5d4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_1: disconnected from provider DB
@4000000045dd8fd22f0bc514 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT DEBUG1 copy_set 1 done
in 0.078 seconds
@4000000045dd8fd22f0bd89c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG
enableSubscription: sub_set=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305a2e74 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=8 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305a49cc 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=1 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305a596c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=2 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305a6cf4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=7 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305a7c94 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=5 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305bff4c 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT CONFIG storeListen:
li_origin=6 li_receiver=30 li_provider=1
@4000000045dd8fd2305c12d4 2007-02-22 12:42:48 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_1: helper thread for provider 1 created
@4000000045dd8fd81d9ffdf4 2007-02-22 12:42:54 GMT DEBUG1
remoteWorkerThread_1: connected to data provider 1 on 'dbname=eurotree
host=controlbox user=postgres'
@4000000045dd922d079ff144 2007-02-22 12:52:51 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
0.059 seconds for cleanupEvent()
@4000000045dd922d08eb0714 2007-02-22 12:52:51 GMT DEBUG1 cleanupThread:
0.022 seconds for delete logs

Chris Coleman
Information Systems
Room PKL1 Phone 369
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Registered office: Eurocom House, Ashbourne Road, Derby DE22 4NB Company 
number: 01574696. 

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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