On 2/20/2007 3:51 PM, Andrej Ricnik-Bay wrote:
On 2/21/07, Guido Neitzer wrote:

It would be more or less the same, if you compare copy against insert
performance on PostgreSQL and state that insert should be as fast as
copy without saying why.

Btw: these guys claim to be database consultants.
Guess one should consider oneself lucky not to be their
customer, then, since they seem to base their decisions
on thin air and personal preference...

As the original author of the PHP TPC-W implementation you can find on pgfoundry, I know pretty good what it takes to make MySQL perform about as good as PostgreSQL under a real benchmarking scenario. I implemented all the database access parts basically two times. Once for PostgreSQL as an experienced DB developer would do it, once turning half the queries upside down in a horribly unintuitive way to give MySQL+InnoDB clues how to do it. Of course did I NOT run any of those tests using MyISAM.

In the end, both implementations performed more or less the same, measured at the HTTP interface. What the PHP+PG implementation did more elegantly in SQL, the PHP+My implementation had to do with more PHP code. And that is where all those crappy wannabe-benchmarks just fail to make sense to me. They measure some common denominator SQL statements at an abstracted DB API level. That is just nonsense. It doesn't matter how fast a specific index scan or a specific insert or update operation by itself is. What matters is how many parallel simulated users of a well defined business application the System Under Test (middleware plus database) can support within the responsetime constraints.

All that said, what really scares me is that these clowns apparently don't even know the system of their preference. No serious DB consultant would even bother testing anything using MyISAM any more. It is a table handler only considered for "disposable data".


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