Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 06:19:33AM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:
>>   There is also ZohoCRM, which _is_ postgres based, but comes with version
>> 8.0.something and no ability to use what we already have installed. That's
>> another poor development decision. Why would I -- or anyone else -- want to
>> intstall a second, older version of the dbms on their system, just to run a
>> single application.
> This problem seems way easier to me to fix than the MySQL-to-Postgres
> port challenge.  Not that the latter is hard, but it's time
> consuming, and you end up with (as I already mentioned) all sorts of
> ugly hairs that relate to MySQL "features" that are really just there
> to cover up missing pieces of implementation.  (Or rather,
> used-to-be-missing.  MySQL has come a long way in the past couple
> releases, no matter what anyone thinks of their marketing approach of

The problem isn't so much MySQL anymore. It is developers unwilling to
force people to use MySQL 5. Heck, Drupal still supports version 3.x.

They are for version 6, dropping support for version 3 but still will be
supporting version 4.

Joshua D. Drake


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