am  Thu, dem 01.02.2007, um 16:13:28 +0100 mailte A. Kretschmer folgendes:
> am  Thu, dem 01.02.2007, um 15:58:08 +0100 mailte DANTE Alexandra folgendes:
> > Hello List,
> > 
> > Is it possible to import in a TIMESTAMP(6) field a timestamp in which 
> > the format of hour is HH.MM.SS (and not HH:MM:SS) ?
> > In the documentation, at 
> >,
> >  
> > I didn't find this format.
> > So can I think that it is not possible to import this kind of hour in 
> > PostgreSQL ? (I work with PostgreSQL 8.2.0).
> > Any workaround to do that ?
> test=# select replace('2007-01-01 12.00.00', '.',':')::timestamp;
>        replace
> ---------------------
>  2007-01-01 12:00:00
> (1 row)

If you want to COPY such data in a table, you can first COPY the data in
a temp. table with TEXT-columns and then insert from this table the data
into the destination table and convert the data using the way above.

Or, convert the input-data with usual text-tools like sed or awk.

HTH, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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