I actually disagree, mildly.

Our system uses two variants of two types of data.

Client data has a presence in the billing database, but has an incarnation in 
our runtime servers to allow for authentication. Not the same databases, since 
we can't afford the extra time for the hop, which might be scores of miles away 
and not necessarily available. Not exactly the same data, and not all of the 
billing stuff goes to runtime.

Spatial data has a representation in our backroom servers which support 
processing incoming imagery. Runtime has a similar representation (with some 
serious handwaving for speed) of the spatial data. And there's some links 
between content management and billing to allow for royalties. Again, similar 
but not identical data/purposes.

Informix has a capability (a "synonym") to make a table in another instance 
appear as a local table; certain operations aren't possible [remote index 
structures aren't visible IIRC and a few data manipulations]. I could use a 
synonym to do joins and updates on the remote tables in native SQL; with 
postgres I need to do a lot more handwaving -- actually pulling logic out of 
the databases and putting it into applications. (Yes, db-link would work but it 

Sorry for top-posting but this interface doesn't do graceful quoting, etc.

Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC, a DigitalGlobe company

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-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Joshua D. Drake
Sent:   Tue 1/30/2007 6:15 PM
To:     Peter Eisentraut
Cc:     pgsql-general@postgresql.org; Tony Caduto
Subject:        Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same 

Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> This has been discussed about ten thousand times, and the answer is 
> still no.
Actually the answer is: Check the TODO list. It is listed under Exotic 
features, so the answer is, no we can't yes we would like to.

That being said, I think it is a dumb feature. If you have data in one 
database, that requires access to another database within the same
cluster. You designed your database incorrectly and should be using schemas.

If you have data in one database that requires access to another 
database that is not in the same cluster (which happens alot) use dbi-link.

Joshua D. Drake

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