
you can find a nice virtual folder implementation in the Opera-Mailclient M2.
Not sure if this also works with IMAP (don't use IMAP yet).

Virtual folders are based on regexes over various fields of a 
Of course this is not db-based, but the feature is neat.

Just my 0,02€


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sim Zacks
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:57 AM
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PG Email Client
>   > Err... I do not understand "copy an email in 1 folder" - I use
> > IMAP which stores all the mail on the server.
> > (That is what dbmail does too)
> In the traditional imap server the mail is stored in folders 
> on the server that are accessed by the 
> client. Therefore you are limited to one indexed location per 
> email. Lets say you want to look at 
> your email by customer. You would want to have a folder per 
> customer so you can review your 
> correspondence with each one individually. If you want to 
> look at correspondence per product. You 
> would need one folder for each product so you can review the 
> correspondence for each product 
> individually.
> However, if you want to have the ability to look at your 
> email both per customer and per product, 
> then with the traditional imap system, you would need to copy 
> the email so you had two physical 
> copies of the email. Now if you wanted to make notes on the 
> email, it would only be tied to one of 
> them, etc..
> I haven't checked whether dbmail can make virtual folders yet 
> based on queries, but the normal 
> clients certainly don't support setting up indexes on the 
> emails so that they could be viewed in 
> both folders.
> A client that took advantage of a database backend would be 
> one in which the user could
> a) create virtual folders that are actually queries
> b) choose indexes or put in keywords so that whether you 
> clicked on the Customer A folder or the 
> Product C folder you would see the exact same e-mail.
> ---------------------------(end of 
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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