On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 09:57 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > On 01/28/07 07:05, garry saddington wrote: > > I have a table definition such as: > > > > CREATE TABLE attendance > > ( > > attendanceid serial primary key, > > entered date DEFAULT current_date NOT NULL, > > absent boolean, > > authorization text default 'N', > > timeperiod char(2) check(timeperiod in('AM','PM')), > > days varchar(10), > > studentid int, > > unique(entered,timeperiod,studentid) > > ) > > > > Which is used to record school attendance data. I am now trying to write > > a query to identify trends in absences by counting the days column and > > returning any student that has repeated absences on certain days. I am > > struggling to return anything that does not need further manipulation in > > Python before being useful. > > Does anyone have any ideas? > > When you say "certain days", you mean "days of the week"? > > If so, create a view like: > CREATE VIEW V_DAY_ABSENCES AS > SELECT ENTERED, > AUTHORIZATION, > TIMEPERIOD, > DAYS, > STUDENTID, > DOW(CAST(ENTERED AS TIMESTAMP)) AS WEEKDAY > FROM ATTENDANCE > WHERE ABSENT = TRUE; > > Then, this query should do what you want: > SELECT STUDENTID, > TIMEPERIOD, > WEEKDAY, > COUNT(*) > FROM V_DAY_ABSENSES > GROUP BY STUDENTID, > TIMEPERIOD, > WEEKDAY > HAVING COUNT(*) > 3; Thank you, this works great. But I have another problem: Is it possible to identify absences in consecutive weeks on the same day. EG. If a pupil has a pattern of having every monday AM off school, how could that be identified? Regards Garry
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend