
marcelo Cortez wrote:
 Yes i know, but if your define bytea field and store
bytea in this field , decode don't work,

Sure it does:

test=# select encode(E'\\000\\001', 'escape')::text;
(1 row)

If you inspect the function, you'll find that encode can *only* handle bytea, not text (as the first parameter):

test=# \df encode;
                      List of functions
   Schema   |  Name  | Result data type | Argument data types
 pg_catalog | encode | text             | bytea, text
(1 row)

And trying to feed it text gives:

test=# select encode('some text'::text, 'escape')::text;
ERROR:  function encode(text, "unknown") does not exist

Are you sure you tested with a real bytea field?



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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