On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >
> > Spam is spam.  I don't care what they're selling.  Anyone dumb enough to
> > send spam in 2006 should be fired on the spot.
> That is a bit extreme. One persons SPAM is another persons interesting
> information. Although I agree that the behavior in this particular
> situation was a bit less than the average IQ score.
> If you are going to communicate with potential customers, especially as
> SPAM have the integrity to do it yourself and take the heat yourself.
> Don't use some off brand secondary service and pay them to spam for you.
> I send out email all the time to potentials. It is common practice but I
> do it, directly as me.

Josh, under the law, that's not spam. Individually written emails are
never spam even if they may be "unsolicited sales material." So, rest


> Sincerely,
> Joshua D. Drake

Richard Troy, Chief Scientist
Science Tools Corporation
510-924-1363 or 202-747-1263
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://ScienceTools.com/

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