On Jan 18, 1:25 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gene) wrote: > you're probably right, actually using LIKE with numeric works fine but > of course i will have to contend with things like truncating zeros to > the left etc... are there any advantages to using ascii encoding as > far as performance of LIKE, REGEXES, INDEXES etc versus using UTF8? > > thanks, gene
You might want to check out the following link, particularly if your database is UTF-8, use varchar for your TNs, and you want to look for calls from certain NPA/NXX/block_id ranges, e.g. with "WHERE ani LIKE '2015551%'. As I understand it, an index created with a simple "CREATE INDEX blah ON tbl (ani)" won't get used in that situation, whereas one created with "CREATE INDEX blah2 ON tbl (ani varchar_pattern_ops)" will. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/indexes-opclass.html ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend