Rob Tanner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've compiled and installed v8.2.1 to use in conjunction with the Xythos
> document management system.  My problem is getting from home to first
> base.  I normally live in a MySql world and the first thing I do after
> installing the DBMS is set the "root" or superuser password.  The PDF
> documentation talks about the superuser and database owner(s).  How do I
> define the superuser and then secure that user with a password?

Hail fellow user from Oregon :)

The default superuser for PostgreSQL is going to be the linux/unix user
that you used the command initdb with. By default when you initdb in
PostgreSQL (when you compile from source) it will allow any unix user to
connect. Thus you can do this:

psql -U <postgres user> template1

That will get you into your database (assuming it is running). Once
there you can use CREATE ROLE and ALTER ROLE to set respective passwords.

To get help use the following:



Joshua D. Drake

> Thanks,
> Rob


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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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