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On 01/03/07 00:34, Mark Harrison wrote:
> I have a cluster of CPUs generating thumbnails for
> a render farm.  I would like to place thumbnail
> requests on a queue, and have the cluster of client
> dequeue the requests and process them.
> Of course, each request should be only dequeued once...
> if a thumbnail is being processed by one CPU, it
> shouldn't be processed by another CPU.
> Does the following sound like a reasonable approach?
> If not, what's a good way to go?
> The processes generating the requests will insert into
> a queue table.  They may add a priority and timestamp.
> The several processes servicing the requests will do a
> SELECT FOR UPDATE where ... limit 1, generate thumbnail,
> delete the record and commit.
> Comments and suggestions welcome,

That's not what relational tables are good at.  Instead, use a
message queuing library with a file backing-store (so that if the
machine goes down for any reason, the messages are still in the queue).

In a message-passing system, a network-aware daemon manages a set of
named FIFO queues.  Some processes call in_q(), and other processes
(same machine, or not) call de_q().  If nothing is calling de_q(),
messages just pile up in the queue until such time as something
*does* start calling de_q().

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