> 1. There is no difference (speed-wise) between committing every 1K or every 
> 250K rows.

It was really some time ago, since I have experimented with this. My las 
experiment was on PG 7.2 or 7.3. I was inserting cca 800,000 rows. Inserting 
without transactions took 25 hrs. Inserting with 10,000 rows per transaction 
took about 2.5 hrs. So, the speedup was 10x. I have not experimented with the 
transaction batch size, but I suspect that 1,000 would not show much speedup.

> 2. Vacuuming also makes no difference for a heavy insert-only table, only 
> slows it down.

Makes sense. Since my application was dumping all records each month and 
inserting new ones, vacuum was really needed, but no speedup.

> 3. Table size plays no real factor.

The reason I saw speedup, must have to do with the fact that without 
transactions, each insert was it's own transaction. That was eating resources.


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